Farm-A-Yard “Green Zones”. Get in the Zone!

Have you heard about the Farm-A- Yard “Green Zone Project”?

Farm-A-Yard’s “Green Zone” supports the “Blue Zone” Project.

So, first of all, what is a “Blue Zone” all about?  They describe it like this:

“We spend 90 percent of our time in the same places, and that environment dictates how easy it is to make healthy choices, or how difficult. By using the Power 9®, the nine secrets of longevity, to improve where we live, work, learn, and play, we make it easier to get up and move, eat healthy, make new friends, find a reason for being—and live longer, better.”   Cities around America are wanting to make that possible and so they are learning from cities in the world where the greater percentage of people are living to 100 years and up.

Farm-A-yard supports the Blue Zone’s “9 Secrets of Longevity”.  Where Farm-A-Yard shines is not only the eating well category, but learning to grow food in the urban setting relates to and gives opportunity to fulfill all the other 8 secrets as well!

Learning to grow food in your neighborhood will support the Blue Zone Project mission which is to “transform communities across the U.S. into areas where the healthy choice is easy and people live longer with a higher quality of life.”

It doesn’t get any “easier” to have easy access to healthy food than to grow some in your yard  🙂

So, get into the “Green Zone”, for a healthy, happy, longer life!

25 U.S. cities with the healthiest diets.

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