051 – Nothing But Billions in Benefits part 2 of 6

051-Nothing But Billions Part 2 of 6

                         with host Linda Borghi and guest Wayne Roberts


Make sure you listen to part 1 of this series of podcasts with Wayne Roberts, who is a Canadian food policy analyst and writer, widely respected for his role as the manager of the [Toronto Food Policy Council], a citizen body of 30 food activists and experts that is widely recognized for its innovative approach to food security, from 2000-2010.  As a leading member of the City of Toronto’s Environmental Task Force, he helped develop a number of official plans for the city that were adopted in 2000-2001. So these plans are working!

In this episode, Wayne shares with us how can we save a city billions of gallons in water!  Wayne shows us four ways! Water is the most precious resource on the planet and gardeners growing food in their yards can save a city the size of Philadelphia 40 million gallons of water and he will show you how! Wayne’s analysis will cause you to realize just how powerful gardens can be to solve our water crisis!  This knowledge has impacted the city of Toronto, Canada, and can also bring amazing benefits to your city too! We want every city planner across this country to realize how millions of dollars can be saved by the huge benefits that gardeners can provide their city. This is no joke!

This podcast is fascinating and empowering!


This podcast is made possible by funding by our Patreon supporters.  

Please support our podcast at https://www.patreon.com/FarmAYard


Music credit: “Insomnia” by John Sheehan.  Used with permission.

049 – Summer Disguised as Spring

049 – Summer Disguised as Spring

with host Linda Borghi

In this podcast Linda dives deep into the connection between our thoughts and how we grow. Linda gives you an example and some great solutions directly from from her 11 year Biodynamic urban farming experience in New York’s Hudson Valley.

This podcast is made possible by funding by our Patreon supporters.  

Please support our podcast at https://www.patreon.com/FarmAYard


Music credit: “Insomnia” by John Sheehan.  Used with permission.


A Nation of Farmers- We Need Millions-You Are the Evolutionary Force!

Farm-A-Yard is a movement to be part of the solution in bringing the practical vision of people like Sharon Astyk and Aaron Newton into reality.

Linda Borghi has in-depth experience as a biodynamic farmer and yard farming trainer and she is bringing the knowledge and steps  to creating successful yard farms that heal our soil and grow the most nutrient dense plants to heal the land and the people.

The most powerful influence to make this a reality is to make the food movement EVERYBODY’S Business!  Obviously, we all have to eat and our eating choices are what drive what is available to us.

There is a healing process underway inviting us to become its agent.  We are at the emergence of healing and regeneration and YOU are the evolutionary force.

“Astyk and Newton have written the important book, “A Nation of Farmers-Defeating the Food Crisis on American Soil”, with an unusual message: We need millions of new farmers…as soon as possible.”

“Once we could fill our grocery carts with cheap and plentiful food, but not anymore…  Climate change is already reducing crop yields worldwide… The cost of flying in food from far away and shipping it across the country in refrigerated trucks is rapidly becoming nonviable.  More Americans than ever before require food stamps and food pantries just to get by, and a worldwide food crisis is unfolding, overseas and in our kitchens.We can keep hunger from stalking our families, but doing so will require a fundamental shift in our approach to field and table.”

Whether you are already on board this movement or want to get started, check out Farm-A-Yard  on the Mighty Network.


Want to grow some food? Just START!

When you partner with nature, she is the best teacher!



To Till or Not to Till?

“A new idea: If we revive the tiny creatures that make dirt healthy, we can
bring back the great American topsoil. But farming culture — and government— aren’t making it easy.”
Folks, we have a soil crisis and our future depends on shifting from the practices that have destroyed it’s fertility.  This need is at the heart of the Farm-A-Yard revival to equip folks to ditch the grass and grow food using organic/biodynamic practices that can heal the soil, the food and the people!
Here are some excerpts from an excellent article by Jenny Hopkinson…
“*AMERICA USED TO* be famed for its rich and fertile topsoil. Prairie and
forests were virtually untouched when settlers first started dividing land
into fields across the Southeast and Midwest, making for rich dark soil in
which to grow food and fiber.

Since the invention of the plow, farming has focused on disrupting the soil to make it productive. Most farming methods, whether conventional or organic, are based on “tillage” – the premise that to plant crops and
control weeds and other pests, the soil must be broken up and turned over, then amended with chemical fertilizers or organic compost to boost
fertility. And it worked for a long time.

But tilling, it turns out, kills off many of the microorganisms that build
the soil. It churns up their habitat and exposes them to air; it also makes
it easier for soil to be washed off the land by rain and wind. Over time,
the damage has built up: More than 50 percent America’s topsoil has eroded away. In areas of the Southeast, the country’s original breadbasket, it’s almost all gone.”

Read more of this article here: